Sunday, February 8, 2009

kena tagged oleh lil gajah..

tiba2 td bukak blog nad kena tagged la plak..

pasni nak tagged org lain plak..huhuhu..tapi x ckp 8 org..4 je la..hehehe..

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz. (Those that are tagged cannot refuse.)
C) Continue this game by tagging 8 other people




d)cik t

What have you been doing recently?
- wat assignment keterampilan berbahasa..lenguh montotku asik menaip dr kul 4 td..

Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
- of course..bila time gaduh dgn ex-bf(wk2 dolu2 la) n wk2 nak charge hp(kadang2)

bila time rs nak off

What happened at 10am today?
- still sleeping..hoho~

When did you last cry?
- just now..sebab..rahsia..

Believe in fate/destiny?
- yes..

What do you want in your life now?
- I want good result with high cgpa..

-want my life full of happiness..

-nak bf..hahahaha..

Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
- yala..kena la pakai payung bila kalau x bawak n hujan 2 renyai2 je…redahla daku di dalam hujan..romantik gitu..

What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?
- surfing da net and tidoq(of cos!!)

What bottoms are you wearing now?
- short

Whats the nicest things in your inbox?
- from my ex-bf..*shy2 cat*

Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
- suka!!

Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
- I dun think so..thinking..yes,I’m sure!nope!

What was the last movie you caught?
- gila-gila pengantin remaja.. aja n dayah insist me 2 was fun n hilarious..haha..

What are you proud of?
- being a Muslim, a university my stepsiblings won’t look me down anymore..

All of u think I’m studpid rite?yala..i’m not like ur beloved sister..i noe I’m dumb..huh!

Hate y’all!!

What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
- “ayg jgn kata abg dh benci ayg,sbnrnya ayg yg benci abg,abg yakin ayg dh dpt lupakan abg, ayg dh bunuh abg dlm hati ayg”huhuhu..1/7/2007 mesej ni di hantar..

What was the last song you sang out loud?
- ayat-ayat cinta(rossa)

Do you have any nicknames?
- lilo and tomato

What does the newest text say?
- from wany: “ok”

What time did you go to bed last night?
- can’t remember short term memory..huhu..i think aroung 2 to 3 am

Are you currently happy?
- not really..lonely..

Who gives you the best advise?
- dayah suka bg nasihat yg membina..

Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
- no-no

Who did you talk on the phone last night?
- my ex-bf

Is something bugging you know
- assignment..assignment..assignment..hidupku lemas di bawah timbunan assignment..

Who was the last person to make you laugh?
- my ex-bf

1 comment:

yatie mj said...

ili, i dh wat la... next plese! hahahahah!!!