Saturday, February 27, 2010

semuanya dah lama berlalu tapi aku x pernah lupa~

tadi bercerita dgn dyl..
kisah2 lalu...
aku xtau napa..everytime cita psl family..mesti nangis..
maybe trauma kot...
i dunno..i hope i can forget everything i've gone through...
i'll try 2 accept ur advices dyl...
it's difficult 4 me 2 forgive n forget..
one day..i'll promise i will go n i won't come back again..
i'll 4get everything behind me..all the bad memories...
n i'll start my new life..

Ya Allah..only You understands my heart..plz forgive me 4 being like this..
i can't help it..they' re the ones who make me like this..


Nabil JD said...

kak ili, bersabar n b strong k..

xtau nape, tp rase mm relate plak ngan post k.ili kali nih..

Lilo_ToMaTo said...'s been a long time ago..but still it's like a stain dat cannot be washed..

masih melekaht di dalam hati sgl apa yg berlaku..n ssh nak memaafkan..

Nabil JD said...


tu la.. kdg2 stain gitu kite xperasan or lupe, tp bile da nmpk n ingat balik, rase buruk sgt..